- It is assigned to patients from the age of 14.
- It does not require an appointment, just come at the assigned time.
- Prado Headquarters: Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm (Calle 59 No. 50 A 14)
- Sabaneta Headquarters: Monday to Friday from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm Mayorca Mega Plaza Shopping Center – local 9955 (basement).
- It does not require fasting.
- Do not stop control medications.
- Do not consume dark drinks (caffeine) two (2) hours before the exam.
- Do not consume energizers or products that cause tachycardia.
- Avoid using body creams or oils on the chest.
- Identification document.
- The medical order is not an essential requirement, if you have it you can bring it.
* Reading the next business day in the afternoon after the study is done.
If for any reason you require additional information, please call: (604) 444 5690 option 5.