• If the patient is a minor, they must be accompanied by an older relative.
  • Women: inform if you are pregnant or have any suspicions.
  • Be half an hour (30 minutes) before the procedure for administrative procedures.
  • Liquid diet the day before the exam: bouillon, fat-free chicken broth (broth only), tea, aromatics or oral serum. Do not drink dairy.
  • If the X-ray is in the afternoon, the patient must continue the liquid diet until six (6) hours before the examination.
  • The patient can take any of the following laxative options: Oral Travad (133 ml) or castor oil (2 ounces). You must take half a bottle at 4:00 p.m. the day before and the other half after lunch between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
  • Fasting from food for six (6) hours. However, it is advisable to drink juices in water. Do not eat gum or smoke during this time.
  • Do not stop controller medications.
  • Hospitalized or urgent patients who require the test on the same day must receive a Travad enema two (2) hours before the test and follow a liquid diet after it is applied.
  • Identification document.
  • Current order (does not apply to individuals).
  • Complete Clinical History with data justifying the study.
  • Previous examinations related to the pathology.

* Oral Travad cannot be used in patients with renal failure, patients with congenital megacolon, intestinal obstruction, heart failure, and electrolyte imbalance.

*All patients under 18 years of age must fast for four (4) hours on the day of the exam, do not consume dairy products, dark drinks or soft drinks, and do not take laxatives or castor oil.

*Patients 60 years of age or older must have a liquid diet the day before the exam: bouillon, fat-free chicken broth (broth only), tea, aromatics or oral serum, on the day of the exam have a six-meal fast ( 6 hours. Do not eat gum or smoke during this time. However, it is advisable to drink juices in water. They don't take laxatives or castor oil.

If for any reason it is not possible for you to attend your appointment or require additional information before or after it, please call: (604) 444 5690 option 5.