Discover how this therapy can help you improve your health, strengthen your immune system and regain your energy. At Escano, we provide you with 4 of the most frequently asked questions about our Serum Therapy service .
- What is Serum Therapy? Serum therapy is the administration of homeopathic medicines intravenously and is done with the aim of improving or strengthening some pathologies or bodily functions.
- What diseases is Serotherapy used for?
It is frequently used to:
– Strengthen the immune system.
– Help regulate hormonal disorders, such as those that occur during menopause and andropause.
– Improve the quality of sleep or insomnia, as well as the feeling of fatigue.
– Improve sports performance.
– Contribute to the control of chronic pain.
– Promote the elimination of toxins that accumulate in the body. - How long will it take to see results and how many sessions will I need? It all depends on the patient’s condition and what they want to treat. This is why it is important to have a medical assessment, where the appropriate treatment will be defined depending on the needs of each person.
- What is an IV therapy session like? – IV therapy sessions last between 30 and 40 minutes – Vital signs are always monitored before and after the procedure – During the session, medical and nursing staff are constantly monitoring the patient. – Discomfort during the session is minimal and is related to the venipuncture. – It does not cause any type of disability, so that after the session, daily activities can be continued as normal.